Article by Benson Mmari
Religion is the believe in a God or gods and the activities connected with this.
Myself, I do believe that God is only one ever, the creator of all creatures, he is the living God.

The followings are the importance of my belief, why am I following it.
§  Strong relationship between me and living God. This enables me to have a good social relationship with peoples around the environment.
Also, the good relationship between me and God gives me the freedom to love each other and the freedom to worship him.

§  Fear of God. This is another importance, by which reasons me to do all legal things, to show love and following principles and his commandment.
Due to this, also it enforces me to run away from sins, example racism, fornication, theft, and other related things.

Also fear of God makes me to pray every moment I want to do anything. My lecturer, Rev. Grayson Mtango also prays for God’s every day before starting and when closing a session; this is fear of God that gives us a good starting and successful finishing.

§  God get the room to manifest himself into my life. Worshipping God gives me fear to him such that it makes a custom to follow his rules. Following of him rules gives God the more room to manifest himself into my life, and this is caused by closeness between us and God.

§  Powerful love is generated. And this love is love between me and friends, love with other peoples, and also love with God.
God is always good, and he is the foundation of love, so being in God you will always be in love.
§  Clean internal and external life is created. This makes the good relationship between me and peoples, me and God to be stronger, such that no impurity will be available internally or externally my flesh.
The clean internal life is the holiness and glory to God, and this still create the more powerful relationship between me and living God. Clean external life escapes away from me all diseases, welcomes the smartness and pride.

§  Is the opportunity to view my general living style, internally and externally so that I may turn my decision back and apologizing when mistaking, take a consideration for my decision, think about other peoples, etc.

§  When facing difficulties, worshipping God is only way to empower my believeness that is the strength of my soul, strength of my hopes.

§  When worshipping God, no opportunity for crimes, moral decaying, law and principles breaking will appear in my life, totally or partially. This is caused by fearing of God as explained above.

§  Worshipping God creates the presence of God in my life, such that he will give me security, food, shelter, and all other needs.

§  Glorifies God for better relationship, God is also exalted above all things.

Worship is essential to really create an atmosphere for the word of God to flow and for God to move in our lives corporately and individually.

Some people would say worship is something that only takes place in the church, others would say it’s a daily practice or something that you should do every now and then or perhaps when you feel like it.

It is best thing to be a religious believer. More teachings are available there, principles are taught and the good way to promote love, unit, and peace is also available.

For the sake of the development and ethics of our country, being a religious believer is such a good thing to do ever, meanwhile we are all the God creatures.

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