By Benson Mmari
This is the voluntarily arrangement in which two or more entities engage in a mutually beneficial exchange instead of competing. Cooperation can happen where resources adequate for both parties exist or are created by their interaction.

Also is the procedure wherein working as a team in pursuit of an objective occurs. With regard to game theory, is considered to be the method that optimizes the benefits and reduced the price for all involved.

Rivalry in which every seller tries to get what other sellers are seeking at the same time: sales, profit, and market share by offering the best practicable combination of price, quality, and service. Where the market information flows freely, competition plays a regulatory function in balancing demand and supply.

Competition is the opposite of cooperation. It arises whenever at least two parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared or which is desired individually but not in sharing and cooperation. Competition occurs naturally between living organisms which co-exist in the same environment.

The concept between Cooperation and Competition are somehow related but with the different facts and meaning in daily environment.

In Cooperation, this is how the components of a system work together to achieve the global properties. In other words, individual components that appears to be “selfish” and independent work together to create a highly complex, greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts system.

Examples can be found all around us. The components in a cell work together to keep it living. Cells work together and communicate to produce multicellular organisms. Organisms form food chains and ecosystems. People from families, gangs, cities and nations.

Neurons create thought and consciousness. Atoms cooperate in a simple way, by combining to make up molecules. Understanding the mechanisms that create cooperating agents in a system is one of the most important and least well understood phenomena in nature, though there has not been a lack of effort.

However, cooperation may be coerced (forced), voluntary (freely chosen), or even unintentional, and consequently individuals and groups might cooperate even though they have almost nothing in common qua interests or goals. Examples of that can be found in market trade, military wars, families, workplaces, schools and prisons, and more generally any institution or organization of which individuals are part (out of own choice, by law, or forced).

The concept of Competitionis the opposite of such one from Cooperation.

Is the rivalry of two or more parties over something. Competition occurs naturally between living organisms which coexist in the same environment.

For example, animals compete over water supplies, food, and mates. In addition, humans compete for attention, wealth, prestige, and fame.

Competition can be remote, as in a free throw contest, or antagonistic, as in a standard basketball game. These contests are similar, but in the first one player are isolated from each other, while in the second one they are able to interfere with the performance of their competitors.

Competition gives incentives for self improvement. For example, if two watchmakers are competing for business, they will lower their prices and improve their products to increase their sales. If birds compete for a limited water supply during a drought, the more suited birds will survive to reproduce and improve the population.

Rivals will often refer to their competitors as "the competition". The term can also be used as to refer to the contest or tournament itself.

In today‘s fast-moving world, cooperation have become increasingly common. This is due to many changing conditions (e.g., new technologies, market liberalization, and integration of the European internal market) combined with increased competitive pressure.

Many enterprises are in danger of being crushed under this competitive pressure if they do not cooperate in some way with another enterprise. The following are the reasons why we have to cooperate.

1.      A natural basis - the qualitative characteristics of our products.
2.      We guarantee consistent quality of our products, thanks to continuous monitoring of production at our facilities.
3.      Offers a wide range will expand your range of products.
4.       Own production sites.
5.      Stability of supply.
6.       The favored logistics, the ability to deliver products anywhere in Russia.
7.      Exclusive rights for products FYAN of the leading companies in Europe.
8.      A flexible approach to the client.
9.      Reputation  of a reliable market player with years of experience.

Now Days Companies are developing dynamically and open the most advanced technologies. Peoples work in a team of professionals who perform their work at 100%, and are the basis for successful development and long-term cooperation.
In business, the cooperation still to be a catalyst for business benefits, and not only the benefits for such business, but also a benefits for the buyers.
1.      Promotes Growth: Where would we be without rivals? I know I would have never taken as many chances and learned as much as I have if I didn’t want to win and compete against other great people in this world.

It’s only natural; if you want to compete with someone else you have to grow. There is no way around it. That is why whenever I want to get good at something I make friends with people who are already good at it.

2.      Advances the Human Civilization: If there was no competition we would have never landed on the moon. The main reason we even went to the moon was because of national pride. USA simply had to beat the Russians and show their biggest competitors that they are number 1.

3.      It Forces Us To Be More Creative: The great thing about having competitors is that you have to be more innovative. You have to think outside the box and go after new options in order to get ahead. If everybody gave up their competitive spirit this world would be a very different place.

“Thank God for competition. When our competitors upset our plans or outdo our designs, they open infinite possibilities of our own work to us” Gil Atkinson

4.      It Teaches Us: For someone to win someone else has to lose, and that sucks. But if you look at it with the right attitude this is actually a positive. We all lose at things here and then, the ones who learn from their losses actually turn their losses into a positive.

They learn from their mistakes and take it as a positive experience which they can use to grow and win next time (and there’s always a next time). By taking competition out of the picture you are not only taking away the chance for people to win, but you also take away the chance for others to learn and grow.

5.      It Promotes Taking Chances And Trying Something New: If you want to create a social media site that survives in the “facebook age” you’ll take chances and create something innovative in the world of social media like Twitter. You’ll have to create new gadget, or new ideas, just so you can survive and eclipse your rivals. Healthy competition brings out a stronger you.

6.      It Makes Us More Goal Oriented: Communism is a great example of what happens when you take the competition out of society. In communism everyone makes the same amount of money regardless whether they are performing brain surgery or sweeping the floors at McDonalds.

7.      It is Natural: Monkey’s do it, other animals do it, and even little kids are in constant competition with each other. Competition is natural; it is how the world works. Regardless of how much we try to tell ourselves that we don’t really want to compete with someone else the fact is we do.

We want to be the best at one thing or another. We want something to call our own and it is a drive that we inherit from millions of years of evolution brought about by competition.

8.      It Makes Life More Entertaining: The great thing about having rivals and challenges in life is that it makes life more entertaining. It forces us to grow and to try to achieve great things. Without competition life becomes a lot less exciting and there are a lot less challenges. For a while it is nice, but as time moves forward we need something to occupy ourselves and get some meaning in life. Competition does just that.

Everyone needs to have some passion to live and some passion to win. It is that competitive spirit that keeps them ready to give it all they’ve got to accomplish their dreams and become number one. So, competition teaches us one of the basics of what it means to be human and puts us on a path for greater things in life.

Cooperation is simply means two or more people working together for some purpose or a common goal. Co-operation is a very good promoter of societal value and therefore it is very important. Cooperative has to be performed in caring, sharing, friendship, support, forgiveness and team-work.
Together with the above, the following are the factors for Cooperation.

·         Common needs and wants: When people discover they have common needs and goals, they will work together to achieve that which they dearly desire.
·         Understanding: It is the ability to reason with other people, as well as share their thoughts, views, feelings and values. For cooperation to take place, individual must understand themselves.
·         Maturity: Cooperation to a large extent requires the maturity and discipline of both parties.
·         Empathy: This is the ability to consider ourselves as being in another person’s position and tries to imagine what they are going through or how they feel.
·         Business condition: When business doesn’t grow in profitable manner, this factor enforces a businessman to cooperate in order to make more profit in his/her daily business routines.
·         Internal feelings: Some people choose the cooperation just because they are not comfortable and sometimes fearing of something. This factor makes people to choose cooperation as the power for his/her strength to something.

Competition is the opposite of cooperation. It arises whenever at least two parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared or which is desired individually but not in sharing and cooperation. Competition occurs naturally between living organisms which co-exist in the same environment.

Factors for competition are not such different from cooperation. But the main reason is just to increase the profit to both sides that competes.

The following are the factors that lead to competition.

§  In business, consumer’s demands.
When consumers want to buy a commodity they are targeting on values and quality (i.e. price and quality of goods). So this factor makes businessmen to compete with each one’s and both to increase the value of commodity and money.

§  Growth demand.
 Both competitors they are focusing on growing positively. If you don’t want to grow, it may be difficult to start a competition.

The spirit to grow our vision is only the same spirit to start a competition. So we should make sure that before to start a competition, we must make sure that we have enough spirit to grow higher.

§  Common needs and wants.
When people discover they have common needs and goals, they must work hard in competition way in order to achieve that which they dearly desire.

§  Understanding.
It is the ability to reason with other people, as well as share their views, thoughts, feelings and values. For competition to take place, individual must understand themselves in order to avoid psychological misunderstanding between competitors.

§  Maturity.

As it is in cooperation, competition also at a large extent requires the maturity and discipline of both parties.

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