Article by Benson Mmari
Alcoholism is a disease characterized by the habitual intake of alcohol (alcohol abuse). Alcoholism is chronic alcohol use to the degree that it interferes with physical or mental health, or with normal social or work behavior.

Alcoholism is a disease that produces both physical and psychological addiction. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that reduces anxiety, inhibition, and feelings of guilt. It lowers alertness and impairs perception, judgment, and motor coordination. In high doses, it can cause loss of consciousness and even death. Alcoholism is a disease that damages the brain, liver, heart, and other organs.

Any person affected by alcoholism (also known as an alcoholic) has a very high tolerance to the substance, is unable to use it in moderation and has extreme physical withdrawals without it.

Alcohol abuse is the unhealthy or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol abuse also afflicts all social groups, and alcohol abusers often hurt family members and friends, as well as themselves.

Causes of Alcoholism
There are many factors that can lead to alcoholism. However, there are a few common reasons people turn to heavy and regular drinking in the first place.

I did a simple research to know the factors that leads to alcoholism and these factors given by different peoples as they asked (researched). However, these peoples gave some few common reasons that cause people to turn into heavy and regular drinking. Some of them gave the following reasons;

·         To relieve stress: When a person uses alcohol to relax from the many stresses of everyday life, they are likely to develop a dependence on the drug. Because alcohol is a depressant and sedative, many take comfort in the soothing feeling that comes over them while intoxicated. However, by drinking too often, it requires more and more alcohol to produce the same results, causing people to become heavy and frequent drinkers.
(This factor given by Yohanna Abel, 23 at Moshi Bus Terminal; 0712269888)

·     To neglect responsibilities: While some people drink after dealing with their daily stresses, some alcoholics neglect their responsibilities altogether, including taking care of their families, attending school or work, caring for themselves and more.
(This factor given by Rose Mosha, 21 at Sanya Juu – Siha; 0673200394)

·         To become isolated: There are many people who do not have strong support networks, who have a lack of mobility, who have limited access to transportation, etc. It’s common for these types of individuals to develop an addiction to alcohol in attempts of embracing that loneliness.
(This factor given by John Kihoko, 65 at Karanga – Moshi; 0659678323)

·         To overcome anxiety or a traumatic event: Some people are naturally anxious or have experienced a traumatic situation that has caused them to have perpetual anxiety. Drinking lowers people’s inhibitions and makes them more comfortable in social situations, which can become addictive for those who use it this way.
(This factor given by Hillary Mrema, 27 at Karanga; 0659848538)

·         Family members had an addiction: Growing up with members of the family—those you look up to most as a child—who are alcoholics can make it confusing for people to see that it’s not the norm to drink so much and so often. For them, it’s common to develop the habit themselves.
(This factor given by Benson Mmari, 24 at Sanya Juu – Siha; 0652262137)

·        To feel good: Some simply enjoy being high. For those people, continual use of the drug eventually causes an addiction, which can quickly become a complete dependence.
(This factor given by Regan Minice, 26 at Machame – Hai; 0756621342)

·         To cope with loss: Losing someone can take a serious toll on a person’s mental and emotional stability. Drinking can be a way to cope with that loss, even if they know it’s only a temporary distraction from their situation.
(This factor given by Rehema Azaria, 21 at Maili 6 – Moshi; 0766929445)

Effects of alcoholism
Alcoholism can have both long- and short-term effects on an individual. For many alcoholics, there are many health problems associated with their destructive drinking behavior; as people said, the following are the effects of alcoholism:
·         Brain damage, including Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome (Given by Rafael, 30 at Sanya Juu – Siha; -no contacts-)

·         Liver damage (Given by Vicent Mbwambo, 31 at Katanini – Moshi; 0716485325)
·         Inflammation of the pancreas (Given by Rose Mosha, 21 at Sanya Juu – Siha; 0673200394)

·         Problems with immune-system functionality (Given by Sara Jones, 42 at Sanya Juu – Siha; 0684282213)

·         Heart problems, including an irregular heartbeat (Given by Upendo Meneno, 60 at Pasua – Moshi; -no contacts-)

·         An increased risk for mental illnesses, including depression (Given by Alfa Nassary, 25 at Soweto– Moshi; 0713033702)

·         An increased risk for developing cancer (Given by Oliva Tobias, 21 at Moshi Bus Terminal; -no contacts-)

·         Damage to the fetus (if a woman drinks during pregnancy) (Given by John David, 54 at Rau – Moshi; -no contacts-)

The following are the social effects of alcoholism
·         Hurts the Family: Although most people abuse alcohol because it makes them feel better about themselves, the truth is that over-use of alcohol tends to negatively impact the abuser’s personality.

            Increases irritability, poor judgment and reasoning which resulted from couple of ways     that alcohol damages the human personality and relationships by extension. One study suggested that abuse of alcohol is behind as much as 40 percent of instances of serious             domestic violence. Alcoholism is attributable to verbal and physical abuse of the spouse   and the children and carries a great responsibility for the breakup of marriages. Children          living in the home with an alcoholic have lower grades, higher rates of depression and       frequently feel socially isolated.
            (Given by Abdullah Salem, 30 at– Moshi; -no contacts-)

·         Alcohol Abuse Hurts Society at Large: The damaging effects of alcohol abuse are not limited to the person and those living closest to them. Alcohol abuse is linked to many social ills which affect people otherwise unconnected to the drinker. There is a clear connection between alcohol abuse and higher rates of workplace absenteeism. Abuse of alcohol is also linked to higher rates of violent crime in neighborhoods. Because alcohol impairs good judgment, it is often connected to risky sexual activity. Finally, alcohol is involved in a majority of automobile accidents.
(Given by Sifaeli Nanyaro, 34 at Moshi Double Rd; -no contacts-)

Ways to overcome alcoholism
There are many ways to overcome alcoholism in order to escape from its effects or further disabilities. You can follow the instructions and some advices and other steps if you’re already addicted with alcoholism; for example
·         Recognize That You Have a Problem
·         Remove all temptations
·         Goodbye Drinking Buddies
·         Seek Treatment or a Self Help Group
·         Be Proud of Yourself
Other ways to overcome alcoholism is to make sure that you have your own vision to control your life and other strategies.
Also engaging frequently on religious timetables and worshipping your God will make a fear to take alcohol.

Depending on God from our heart will also make us free from stress, fear, or ancient; such that, we will not reach the extent of taking alcohol as solution to stress, fear and ancient.
To maintain real love will also enable us to escape alcoholism, such that some people take alcohol to neglect responsibilities. So, if they will take a think just for a drop of love to their family, it will not be easy to think about being alcoholic abused.

 To neglect pressure groups that enforces you to be abused from alcohol.
To think on production will also be a way to reduce alcoholism and eventually to overcome the problem.

(Given by Benson Mmari, 24 at Sanya Juu – Siha; 0652262137)

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