The Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, Mr Aggrey Mwanri, said 256,173,000/- was spent on compensations and 3,365,939,000/- was spent on construction.
He said that in 2014/15 the government has set aside 2.2bn/- and already the region has been given 287,145,000/- to continue construction work at the hospital.
The Deputy Minister said that preparations to get a contractor for the second phase of the project is still on, and the government will be setting aside funds as they are available.
Mr Mwanri was responding to a question by Musoma Urban MP (Chadema), Mr Josephat Nyerere, who wanted to know if the government will fund to complete implementation of the projects.
Mr Nyerere also questioned the government’s plans to employ the Public Private Partnership (PPP) so that Appollo Hospital and other private partners be involved.
Mr Mwanri said that the issue of PPP is among the government’s policies in implementing developmental projects and already it has started involving the private sector in various education and health projects.
According to statistics from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the government has managed to build 249 hospitals, 716 health centres and 5,960 dispensaries countrywide.